Offcuts #2

Working on quite a lot at the minute. Here are some ideas / work in progress that didn’t make the cut.

Socialist Students magazine idea for the cover –


And a design for a pamphlet cover, which it turns out wasn’t called that!


Socialism Today 170


Pleased with the infographic on this one. Also, a canned photocaption for this photo which i was particularly pleased with “Gates: pleased with Buffet on private jet”


Read the article here


The first time we’ve successfully had a ‘map’ graphic – enormously complicated for what is quite a simple end-product

Also, competition time! The first person who gets both the album cover references wins a ‘well done’.




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Not everything that gets designed ends up making the cut. Below is an example of something i am quite pleased with, originally designed for Socialism Today, but i can’t quite think of what to do with it:




And this is something else that didn’t make the cut, in fact didn’t even get past my own self censorship!




Its the Euro sign eating cyprus. Truely dreadful – and possibly pacman copywrite infingement…